The Piquillo de Lodosa campaign ends: 'smaller but of extraordinary quality'

The Campaña del Piquillo de Lodosa, one of the products covered under the Reyno Gourmet quality brand, has finished with 1,185 tons of processed product in the 14 registered canneries, a figure slightly lower than last year's figure of 1,445. according to the data of the Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin.

From the Regulatory Council have explained that this decline is due to the weather and, specifically, "a strong and virulent hail storm that affected a large area of Mendavia and in which several plots lost all the crop." This caused a decrease in the total registered area that has gone from 155 hectares last year to 148 of the current campaign.

As the Regulatory Council has indicated, " this slight decrease in production has not affected the quality of the pepper produced during the months that the campaign lasted, from September to December," and that have qualified as "extraordinary."

They have also highlighted the size of the fruit that, "although it has been somewhat smaller than that obtained in the previous season, is the one that corresponds to a good pimiento of Lodosa piquillo".

The pepper certified by the Designation of Origin Piquillo Pepper of Lodosa, protects the preserve of whole fruits of the Extra and First categories of the piquillo variety, cultivated and elaborated exclusively in the eight municipalities covered by the Regulation: Andosilla, Azagra, Cárcar, Lerín, Lodosa, Mendavia, San Adrián and Sartaguda.

Once collected, they are transported to the canneries where, once cleaned, they are roasted by direct flame. The process continues with a meticulous desrorazonado, peeling and elimination of seeds. The peeled peppers go to the packaging section where experts select, classify and package the pepper in cans and specific cans, the Regulatory Council has highlighted in a statement.

As in the preparation, the packaging is made in dry, so that the small amount of transparent and dense liquid that appears when opening the can is the same juice that the pepper has released.

Publicado: 20 01 2019
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The Piquillo de Lodosa campaign ends: 'smaller but of extraordinary quality'
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